Starting at MIDNIGHT Tonight/Tomorrow MY debut novel "Love TORN Asunder" will officially be available for PRE-SALES on Emerald Star Press : !!! This book is a Emotional roller coaster ride, that will leave you wanting MORE at the end... ;-) Official Release date April 30th!
Lots of Love LiteraryLiz....
“ Begin again as often as you need to in order to stay on track spiritually...” ~unknown
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Monday, March 21, 2011
Interview With Tony and Kie on BTR!!!
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Love TORN Asunder..... Release date April 30th
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Love Torn Asunder by Elizabeth Funderbirk
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
..... :0) I am the Author of this Novel, Elizabeth Funderbirk. I have read many, many, many times. I am excited to announce the official release date of April 30th. You will be able to get this book On Kindle, Barnes and Nobles website, Barnes and Nobles by request, Amazon, Emerald Star Press website: , and MY website:
I worked really hard to make this book a quality publication. Being a avid reader, I know what I look for when buying a book. Having a love for literature I believe I was able to incorporate all those qualities in the Story of Love TORN Asunder.
I am absolutely elated that soon the public will be able to read, and share their feedback.
This is just the beginning for me... and with the support for ALL of you I will be able to grow as a writer and continue on my Literary Journey.
Thank YOU for the support... Lots of Love LiteraryLiz!
View all my reviews
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
..... :0) I am the Author of this Novel, Elizabeth Funderbirk. I have read many, many, many times. I am excited to announce the official release date of April 30th. You will be able to get this book On Kindle, Barnes and Nobles website, Barnes and Nobles by request, Amazon, Emerald Star Press website: , and MY website:
I worked really hard to make this book a quality publication. Being a avid reader, I know what I look for when buying a book. Having a love for literature I believe I was able to incorporate all those qualities in the Story of Love TORN Asunder.
I am absolutely elated that soon the public will be able to read, and share their feedback.
This is just the beginning for me... and with the support for ALL of you I will be able to grow as a writer and continue on my Literary Journey.
Thank YOU for the support... Lots of Love LiteraryLiz!
View all my reviews
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Chapter 5 "Love TORN Asunder"
Chapter 5 from my soon to be released Novel... "Love TORN Asunder" by Elizabeth Funderbirk.
Due date April 30th. Pre-Orders will be available on my website ( as of April 18th and on Emerald Star Press ( as of March 30th.
I love to get Everyone's feed back.... Happy Reading!!!
Lots of Love Literary Liz...
I can't believe my luck. Sexy ass Leslie Hayes was moving in with my favorite cousin Dahlia. She used to have a thing for me, but we never got a chance to explore it. Next thing I know, time passed and she was always talking about her perfect man. Mr. Perfect isn't looking so good now that he spends most of his time on the road, Dahlia has mentioned to me over conversation. He left the door open for a player like myself to come on in and pick up the pieces. You see, she probably don't even see that he has abandoned her and her needs. That's because she’s so used to going home to that empty apartment alone. Now that she is going to be staying with Dahlia, I'll remind her why she was born a woman. That she needs that immediate affection her man is unable to give due to his constant absence. While he is playing the role of a good man working to build them a future, I’m going to make sure his woman doesn't get rusty in bed. As a matter of fact, the more that I think about it the more I realize that I will be doing ole' boy a favor. So, if moving these boxes is what I have to do to get another step closer to Leslie, then that's a small task compared to the work that I'm going to have her putting in.
The snow hasn't let up at all. Bernard and I have moved all the boxes from the back of the truck and into the house while Leslie and Dahlia stayed warm on the inside and unpacked her things. By the time we had reloaded the truck, lighting started streaking across the dark cloudy sky. I knew that I wasn't going to no storage center and unloading shit and I said as much when I went back in.
"There ain’t no way that you’re going make it to the storage place tonight Leslie." I say while watching them attempt to put her California king size bed together.
"What am I going to do about the moving truck?"
"Call them. They see the weather out there and it's not getting any better. Has anyone checked the weather report?" I ask sitting in the chair in the corner of the room.
"No. We have to check it in the living room. I have to buy splitter to run the cable into this bedroom," says Dahlia as she heads for the living room with Leslie and me following behind. We watch the news where they advise for unnecessary travel to be limited. Almost immediately, Bernard says that he’s out. He wants to try and make it somewhere warm before it gets too bad to drive. I knew that he meant in-between some warm thighs, so I slap him up and tell him that I'll call him tomorrow when I wake up. Leslie and Dahlia tell him to be safe as he leaves.
"I guess I should call the moving truck company." Leslie gets up to retrieve the cordless. However, the line was dead.
"Damn, the storm must have knocked out the phone lines,” she says then retrieves her cell phone from her purse to leave a message.
“They probably left for the night when they saw this storm coming through.”
“Yeah, you're probably right. I wonder if it’s going to let up by the morning,” she says to no one in particular.
"I doubt it. You will most likely have the day off work. At least this way you can get the rest of your things set up," I say moving to sit next to her on the couch.
“I’m only scheduled to work half a day and I'm supposed to be going to meet Lincoln in New York City tomorrow night. My flight leaves Buffalo Niagara International Airport at 7pm," she states folding her legs under her to sit Indian style on the couch. My eyes go to the spot between her legs and I think about Bernard being knee deep in some fine woman tonight. I wonder what my chances are with Leslie, but I doubt that anything will happen. She got her man fresh on her mind and the weather is going to keep them apart this time, not his neglect. I have to wait until he messes up or she is feeling lonely. Shouldn't take me more than a week, I'm thinking when she asks.
“Where the hell did Devine disappear to?”
“Don’t know. I think she went to the bathroom." I get up and head to the kitchen to heat up my food. The munchies and moving all that furniture have me feeling as though my ribs are touching my back. Dahlia comes in the living room just as the microwave goes off signaling that my food is done. She is wearing an over coat and winter boots wheeling her small workbag behind her.
“I know you ain't headed to work in this mess!" I shout taking a bite of my pizza.
“You damn right that's where I'm headed. Lace called shortly after she left and said that the club was packed with men using the storm as an excuse not to go home. Claiming that they are stuck at work until the storm lets up. So being the businesswoman that I am, I’m headed to the office," she replies while checking her make up in the mirror behind the couch.
“Devine, you can't go out there in this. That's crazy!" yells Leslie.
“Girl, I’ll be fine. I will take the streets and I promise to go real slow, too. I’ll call your cell phone as soon as I get there," Dahlia says on her way to the door. Then she turns and looks at me.
“You headed home to the wife and kids, cuz?” She asks this with a smirk on her face, like she was reading my mind.
“I’m not going anywhere before I finish eating. I earned this meal," I tell her while cleaning the meat off the bone of the chicken wing I was holding.
“Uh huh...I hear you," is all she says before walking out the door. I can tell she knows what’s up by the look she gives me. Why would she bring my wife and kids up? Now, they are at the forefront of Leslie’s thoughts alongside her man. I finish my food and see Leslie on the couch glued to the TV watching her hopes for going to New York going down the drain.
“So is there anything else I can help you with tonight?"
“No, I'm good. You should probably go on home before you can't leave," she says, not even looking away from the flat- screen mounted on the wall.
“At least let me help you set up your bed before I head out. This way you can worry in the comfort of your own bed," I reply and give her a half smile.
“Is it that obvious?" she asks, finally looking up to meet my gaze.
“Yeah it is. I don't want you up all night worried about if I made it home safe without being comfortable."
“Puh-lease. Ain’t nobody worried about you Kendrick, but you can help me finish getting that bed up. After the day that I've had I need a good night’s sleep," she says over her shoulder, heading toward her new bedroom. I watch her luscious hips sway as I follow close behind.
We are busy assembling her bed when the wind starts shaking the windows. We both jump at a loud cracking sound that comes from directly outside her bedroom window. She is so startled that she drops the metal part of the bed frame she is holding right onto her left foot.
“MOTHERFUCKER!" she shouts, holding onto her foot and hopping around the room. I come up behind her and wrap my arms around her. I escort her over to a chair in the corner, and sit her down before she feels how her body bouncing against mine is affecting me.
“It’s going to be ok." I try to console her. I look up and she is crying.
“It hurts that bad?" I ask, concerned now.
“What do you think?" she asks snatching her foot out my grasp. She starts to rub at the pain.
“Let me rub it for you," I tell her and take her foot back in my hands.
“What was that sound anyway?" she asks. I walk over to the window and pull back the curtain. I can barely see with all the snow blowing around. Then I spot a huge branch from the tree that sits out front lying on the ground. I relay this information to her. Then I come back to sit in front of her.
“I’m sorry. It has just been a long couple of days with the moving, the warden at work, Lincoln being displaced, this storm, and now my damned foot. I promise I'm not having a break down." She was rambling as I was massaging her foot and calf. She didn’t swat my hand away and I took that as a good sign. She trusted me and was allowing me to comfort her.
“Why don't you take a shower it’ll make you feel better. I'll finish putting up the bed." I tell her as I help her to her feet.
“Shouldn’t you get going?"
“I don't think I'll be going anywhere anytime soon." Our eyes meet. She just nods after a few minutes.
“Unless I make you uncomfortable,” I add.
“ Of course you don’t,” she says, looking away from me. Leslie continues, “You're right. I think I will feel better after I have showered. Don't worry about the bed though I will just sleep on the mattress and box spring for tonight." She turns and walks with a little limp towards her bathroom. I watch her walk away, thinking of the possibilities that the night may have in store.
Ignoring her request to leave it alone, I busy myself putting up her bed. I need to stay occupied so that I don't walk in there and ask her if she needs help washing her back. As I finish the bed, my cell vibrates and I cringe, thinking that it is my wife. When I check the caller ID, it’s the number to The Redd Rooster Inn. I pick up and tell Dahlia that I am still at her place and will stay until the storm dies down. She doesn't sound surprised. I assure her that Leslie is alright and in the shower. I also promise that I will relay the message to Leslie that she made it to the club safely, since Leslie has a tendency to worry. I tell Dahlia about Leslie’s crying and I explain what happened. She tells me that it’s more than that because Leslie carries a lot inside and sometimes it’s that one thing that breaks the camel’s back. Dahlia ends the call saying that she will call back on her break. I let her know she should wait until tomorrow to talk to Leslie, since I had set up the bed and was going to suggest that Leslie call it a night. She just laughed and told me to be careful because one day my doggish ways would catch up to me, then ended the call without saying bye.
The lights flicker and go out as I am sitting on the couch watching for weather updates. I know that Leslie has finished her shower because I heard the water turn off over 10 minutes ago.
"Leslie, you Ok in there?" I call out to her.
"Yeah," she says and comes out in a night gown and robe, which cause an instant headache. Not the head sitting on top of my shoulders either. It’s not even a sexy, silky night gown, just grey cotton with little blue flowers all over it. It has spaghetti straps that don’t do much to cover up her full breasts and stops mid-thigh. The robe is the same color grey as her gown and a couple sizes big for her, and she smelled absolutely edible.
"What are you wearing?" I ask as I appreciate her standing in front of me. My eyes openly roam over her body and her nipples perk up right before my eyes. It must have made her feel uncomfortable because she closed her robe and tightened it around her full waist before she spoke.
"What. My night clothes?" She choked out.
"No. What kind of soap did you use?" I ask, my stare still all over her body.
"Lever 2000," She stated simply.
"That's not what I smell that’s making my mouth water," I say moving toward her body to smell her neck.
"It's apricot body gel. What happened to the lights?" she asks, taking a step back.
"Power outage. The power lines are going down all over the city. I was just watching the news and they were talking about that before the room went black."
"I hope that Devine is alright," she replies, concern evident in her voice.
"She called while you were in the shower. She made it to work and said that she will call you when she can."
"Maybe I should call to see if the power went out there," she says and moves around me towards her room. She pauses when she sees the bed up.
"I think you should wait for her to call back. She sounded busy," I say close to her ear.
"Oh. Okay then," she answers, staring at her phone like she is contemplating her next move.
"Well, I will go and get comfortable on the couch unless you are afraid of the dark and want me to keep you company," I state cutting into the silence.
"I'm not afraid of the dark, Kendrick." On that note, I turn to leave the room. I don't want to come on too strong because she will become uncomfortable around me. I want her to trust me and allow me in.
"Thanks for setting the bed up," Leslie says as I'm walking out the door.
"I'm at your service. Just let me know what you need and I got it," I reply. Then I close the door. Whatever you need, I think as I make my way down the dark hall.
It sounds as though there is a freight train coming through the house. The tree branches breaking outside my window sound like firecrackers going off in spurts. I am shivering from being scared in addition to be cold due to the freezing temperature that has seized the apartment since the electricity went out.
I wonder what the hell Kendrick is doing. What if he left? I wouldn't blame him. I'm sure he would much rather be stuck with his wife than with me. I jump a little at the sound of light knocking on my new bedroom door.
"Come in," I call out. Kendrick walks in wearing his coat, hat, and pink gloves.
"Just wanted to make sure you weren't frozen solid in here," he says, then turns and pushes in a large metal object on wheels.
"What is that?" I ask, sitting up a little and wrapping myself tightly in my blankets trying unsuccessfully to ward off the cold air.
"Space heater," he says bringing it closer to the bed.
"There's no power, Kendrick," I state the obvious.
"I know that, Les. This is battery operated." He then switches it on and turns the dial all the way up.
"How many more does Devine have?" I inquire and inch closer to the small amount of heat being generated.
"None. This is all I found," he says looking at me. I feel naked compared to all the clothing that he has layered himself in.
"I guess we should share the bed then. Will you please bring me my coat and jeans?" I ask and he walks out the room without replying. He returns moments later with the items that I requested. I slide my coat over my robe, then slip into my jeans. I don't bother to button them. I have to suck everything thing in to get into my jeans and I don't want to be any more uncomfortable then I already am. After I have dressed myself in layers to match Kendrick's attire, he leaves the room once again. This time, he returns with four extra blankets. He then lies all the blankets over the top sheet and blanket that I have to cover me up. Next, he climbs into bed beside me. We just lie there silently for a while. I listen to the sound of him breathing, hoping it will help me find sleep. That always worked when I was in bed with Lincoln. I think that is the problem. This man made my body react to him. Now here we are lying in bed with one another. It's not in a sexual way, but I feel this sexually charged energy bouncing between us. I wonder why he is so quiet and I feel the need to say something.
"Do you always wear pink gloves?" I ask turning in his direction.
"I found them while looking through Devine's things for extra blankets," he says turning toward me.
"Wow. I have never heard you refer to her as Devine before."
"Well, the other things I found reminded me of what it is my cousin does when she leaves out those doors. Those were Devine's things, not my little cousin Dahlia’s," he responded sounding a little tense, so I shifted the conversation.
"I wish I had my gloves," I said inching towards his body heat. He let me lay on the side of the bed closer to the heater, but the warmth coming from his body was so inviting. He takes the gloves off his hands and places them on mine.
"Thank you," I whisper. Then he does something that sends a different type of chill down my spine. He has moved closer to me and he unzips my coat and wraps his arms around my shivering body. I follow his lead, part his already open jacket and wrap my arms around his solid frame.
I don't know what time it is when I wake up. All I see is that the sun has risen and the light streaming through the partially open blinds is casting a beautiful glow across his mocha skin. His dreads are lying across my shoulder and I inhale the scent of coconut oil off his immaculately manicured mane. I nuzzle up to the base of his throat. I must have fallen asleep listen to the sound of his heartbeat. As I ease away from his heat, it all comes back why I am lying in bed with a man that is not my own. The cold air smacks me back to reality and I wrap my arms across my chest and sprint to the bathroom to empty my bladder. The toilet seat is so cold when I sit down that it causes me to jump a little. Once I have finished, I go the sink and wash my hands without bothering to look up in the mirror. I don’t want to see guilty eyes looking back at me. Should I feel guilt? Kendrick is just my friend. Nothing even happened. I mean, I am human and he is a very attractive man. I just have to pull myself together. Otherwise, my new living arrangements could prove to be dangerous.
I woke up with Leslie no longer in my arms. It felt good lying next to her. Too good. The sun is up so we made it through the night. However, the house is still freezing so I know the power hasn’t come back on yet. I reach into my coat pocket to get my cell phone. This is the perfect time to call and tell my wife and tell her that I got stranded at Dahlia's house. I know I should have done this last night, but I was laying down the foundation for what I hope will be a hot steamy booty call. I have known Leslie for so long and have enough respect for her that she can become one of my regulars. I start to dial my home number and my phone powers down. The battery died and with no way to charge it, I slip it back into my coat pocket. Maybe that's for the best. This way she won’t be calling me every 5 minutes to see what I'm doing, who I'm with, asking when I think I can make it home. I climb out of bed to see what Leslie is up to.
I can't believe my eyes as I peer out the small square window at the top of the metal front door. The snow is piled half-way up preventing me from opening it. There is no way for any cars to navigate down the roads because they are covered in dirty snow and tree branches. I have never seen a storm cause this much destruction in all the years I have lived in Buffalo. I am in awe of the damage that it has caused in such a short period of time. There is no way that I am flying out of anywhere tonight, so I decide to call and check on Lincoln. I know that he was not fazed by this terrific storm, but I also know that he will be worried about me. I hear movement and realize that Kendrick is up. I continue to look out the window at people trying to dig their cars out from under tree branches and snow. There are a couple of kids wandering down the street with shovels, no doubt trying to make a couple extra dollars by helping their neighbors. I am just about to go open a window to offer them a little money and a cup of hot chocolate to dig a path out from the front door, when I feel his presence behind me. I don't want to turn around because my heartbeat has accelerated just smelling the scent of his locks. I hear him breathing. He moves closer and my feet won’t move. I am paralyzed. He whispers,
"Good morning." His hoarse morning voice makes me lick my lips, but I don't respond. What if he can read my mind? His hands have found their way around my waist. They are resting at the top of my jeans. He eases his hands into the opening and pushes my legs apart. He holds on to the heat between my legs and I am biting my lip to keep from moaning, to keep from telling him that this is wrong. He is kissing my ear and tells me that he has wanted this for so long. That he could barely contain himself last night so close to my warmth because the scent from my skin was so tantalizing. I feel his forefinger probing inside my slick walls as he begins to stir me. He uses his unoccupied had to push my jeans down around my ankles, then tells me to step out. I don't hesitate to comply and he kicks them to the side. He hasn't stop stirring me and I hear the rattle of a wrapper behind me. I know that he is sheathing himself to enter me. The anticipation of what's to come has me winding onto his fingers. I hear a muffled expletive fall from his lips as he rests the head of his dick against my dripping wet heat. He enters me rough and I can't stay quiet any longer. As soon as I part my lips, the moans float out like a song that I have been dying to sing. He is aggressive from the beginning. No slow and sexy foreplay. He pushes me close to the door and presses my face and breasts against the cold metal. The shock of the cold has my pebble-like nipples aching. It is the most exhilarating feeling having my breasts pressed to the cold door and the heat from Kendrick inside of me. I’m on the verge of exploding when he stops, turns me around and looks me dead in my eyes.
"Tell me I'm better,” he whispers. I just look at him without opening my mouth. I refuse to play that game with him. He repeats himself and I shake my head no. Then he lowers himself in front of me and lifts my right leg onto his left shoulder. He licks my swollen clit, flicking his tongue in a rapid motion that has my legs quivering and threatening to give out. I try to move his head away, but he won’t allow it. Instead, he shakes his face over that part of my body that is reserved for a lover's touch. I beg him to stop but he doesn't relent, so I say the one thing that gets his attention. I pant in a hoarse voice that I want to taste him. I ask him to let me lick my juices off him. He stands and takes me to the couch, and I push him into the sitting position and place a pillow on the floor to cushion my knees. I tease the tip with a kiss, then bury my face in his lap until he is calling my name.
Man, I underestimated myself. I thought getting her would take a week. I'm too good at this.
THANK YOU for the support and continuing to visit ~Trials, Tribulations, and Torn.
Due date April 30th. Pre-Orders will be available on my website ( as of April 18th and on Emerald Star Press ( as of March 30th.
I love to get Everyone's feed back.... Happy Reading!!!
Lots of Love Literary Liz...
I can't believe my luck. Sexy ass Leslie Hayes was moving in with my favorite cousin Dahlia. She used to have a thing for me, but we never got a chance to explore it. Next thing I know, time passed and she was always talking about her perfect man. Mr. Perfect isn't looking so good now that he spends most of his time on the road, Dahlia has mentioned to me over conversation. He left the door open for a player like myself to come on in and pick up the pieces. You see, she probably don't even see that he has abandoned her and her needs. That's because she’s so used to going home to that empty apartment alone. Now that she is going to be staying with Dahlia, I'll remind her why she was born a woman. That she needs that immediate affection her man is unable to give due to his constant absence. While he is playing the role of a good man working to build them a future, I’m going to make sure his woman doesn't get rusty in bed. As a matter of fact, the more that I think about it the more I realize that I will be doing ole' boy a favor. So, if moving these boxes is what I have to do to get another step closer to Leslie, then that's a small task compared to the work that I'm going to have her putting in.
The snow hasn't let up at all. Bernard and I have moved all the boxes from the back of the truck and into the house while Leslie and Dahlia stayed warm on the inside and unpacked her things. By the time we had reloaded the truck, lighting started streaking across the dark cloudy sky. I knew that I wasn't going to no storage center and unloading shit and I said as much when I went back in.
"There ain’t no way that you’re going make it to the storage place tonight Leslie." I say while watching them attempt to put her California king size bed together.
"What am I going to do about the moving truck?"
"Call them. They see the weather out there and it's not getting any better. Has anyone checked the weather report?" I ask sitting in the chair in the corner of the room.
"No. We have to check it in the living room. I have to buy splitter to run the cable into this bedroom," says Dahlia as she heads for the living room with Leslie and me following behind. We watch the news where they advise for unnecessary travel to be limited. Almost immediately, Bernard says that he’s out. He wants to try and make it somewhere warm before it gets too bad to drive. I knew that he meant in-between some warm thighs, so I slap him up and tell him that I'll call him tomorrow when I wake up. Leslie and Dahlia tell him to be safe as he leaves.
"I guess I should call the moving truck company." Leslie gets up to retrieve the cordless. However, the line was dead.
"Damn, the storm must have knocked out the phone lines,” she says then retrieves her cell phone from her purse to leave a message.
“They probably left for the night when they saw this storm coming through.”
“Yeah, you're probably right. I wonder if it’s going to let up by the morning,” she says to no one in particular.
"I doubt it. You will most likely have the day off work. At least this way you can get the rest of your things set up," I say moving to sit next to her on the couch.
“I’m only scheduled to work half a day and I'm supposed to be going to meet Lincoln in New York City tomorrow night. My flight leaves Buffalo Niagara International Airport at 7pm," she states folding her legs under her to sit Indian style on the couch. My eyes go to the spot between her legs and I think about Bernard being knee deep in some fine woman tonight. I wonder what my chances are with Leslie, but I doubt that anything will happen. She got her man fresh on her mind and the weather is going to keep them apart this time, not his neglect. I have to wait until he messes up or she is feeling lonely. Shouldn't take me more than a week, I'm thinking when she asks.
“Where the hell did Devine disappear to?”
“Don’t know. I think she went to the bathroom." I get up and head to the kitchen to heat up my food. The munchies and moving all that furniture have me feeling as though my ribs are touching my back. Dahlia comes in the living room just as the microwave goes off signaling that my food is done. She is wearing an over coat and winter boots wheeling her small workbag behind her.
“I know you ain't headed to work in this mess!" I shout taking a bite of my pizza.
“You damn right that's where I'm headed. Lace called shortly after she left and said that the club was packed with men using the storm as an excuse not to go home. Claiming that they are stuck at work until the storm lets up. So being the businesswoman that I am, I’m headed to the office," she replies while checking her make up in the mirror behind the couch.
“Devine, you can't go out there in this. That's crazy!" yells Leslie.
“Girl, I’ll be fine. I will take the streets and I promise to go real slow, too. I’ll call your cell phone as soon as I get there," Dahlia says on her way to the door. Then she turns and looks at me.
“You headed home to the wife and kids, cuz?” She asks this with a smirk on her face, like she was reading my mind.
“I’m not going anywhere before I finish eating. I earned this meal," I tell her while cleaning the meat off the bone of the chicken wing I was holding.
“Uh huh...I hear you," is all she says before walking out the door. I can tell she knows what’s up by the look she gives me. Why would she bring my wife and kids up? Now, they are at the forefront of Leslie’s thoughts alongside her man. I finish my food and see Leslie on the couch glued to the TV watching her hopes for going to New York going down the drain.
“So is there anything else I can help you with tonight?"
“No, I'm good. You should probably go on home before you can't leave," she says, not even looking away from the flat- screen mounted on the wall.
“At least let me help you set up your bed before I head out. This way you can worry in the comfort of your own bed," I reply and give her a half smile.
“Is it that obvious?" she asks, finally looking up to meet my gaze.
“Yeah it is. I don't want you up all night worried about if I made it home safe without being comfortable."
“Puh-lease. Ain’t nobody worried about you Kendrick, but you can help me finish getting that bed up. After the day that I've had I need a good night’s sleep," she says over her shoulder, heading toward her new bedroom. I watch her luscious hips sway as I follow close behind.
We are busy assembling her bed when the wind starts shaking the windows. We both jump at a loud cracking sound that comes from directly outside her bedroom window. She is so startled that she drops the metal part of the bed frame she is holding right onto her left foot.
“MOTHERFUCKER!" she shouts, holding onto her foot and hopping around the room. I come up behind her and wrap my arms around her. I escort her over to a chair in the corner, and sit her down before she feels how her body bouncing against mine is affecting me.
“It’s going to be ok." I try to console her. I look up and she is crying.
“It hurts that bad?" I ask, concerned now.
“What do you think?" she asks snatching her foot out my grasp. She starts to rub at the pain.
“Let me rub it for you," I tell her and take her foot back in my hands.
“What was that sound anyway?" she asks. I walk over to the window and pull back the curtain. I can barely see with all the snow blowing around. Then I spot a huge branch from the tree that sits out front lying on the ground. I relay this information to her. Then I come back to sit in front of her.
“I’m sorry. It has just been a long couple of days with the moving, the warden at work, Lincoln being displaced, this storm, and now my damned foot. I promise I'm not having a break down." She was rambling as I was massaging her foot and calf. She didn’t swat my hand away and I took that as a good sign. She trusted me and was allowing me to comfort her.
“Why don't you take a shower it’ll make you feel better. I'll finish putting up the bed." I tell her as I help her to her feet.
“Shouldn’t you get going?"
“I don't think I'll be going anywhere anytime soon." Our eyes meet. She just nods after a few minutes.
“Unless I make you uncomfortable,” I add.
“ Of course you don’t,” she says, looking away from me. Leslie continues, “You're right. I think I will feel better after I have showered. Don't worry about the bed though I will just sleep on the mattress and box spring for tonight." She turns and walks with a little limp towards her bathroom. I watch her walk away, thinking of the possibilities that the night may have in store.
Ignoring her request to leave it alone, I busy myself putting up her bed. I need to stay occupied so that I don't walk in there and ask her if she needs help washing her back. As I finish the bed, my cell vibrates and I cringe, thinking that it is my wife. When I check the caller ID, it’s the number to The Redd Rooster Inn. I pick up and tell Dahlia that I am still at her place and will stay until the storm dies down. She doesn't sound surprised. I assure her that Leslie is alright and in the shower. I also promise that I will relay the message to Leslie that she made it to the club safely, since Leslie has a tendency to worry. I tell Dahlia about Leslie’s crying and I explain what happened. She tells me that it’s more than that because Leslie carries a lot inside and sometimes it’s that one thing that breaks the camel’s back. Dahlia ends the call saying that she will call back on her break. I let her know she should wait until tomorrow to talk to Leslie, since I had set up the bed and was going to suggest that Leslie call it a night. She just laughed and told me to be careful because one day my doggish ways would catch up to me, then ended the call without saying bye.
The lights flicker and go out as I am sitting on the couch watching for weather updates. I know that Leslie has finished her shower because I heard the water turn off over 10 minutes ago.
"Leslie, you Ok in there?" I call out to her.
"Yeah," she says and comes out in a night gown and robe, which cause an instant headache. Not the head sitting on top of my shoulders either. It’s not even a sexy, silky night gown, just grey cotton with little blue flowers all over it. It has spaghetti straps that don’t do much to cover up her full breasts and stops mid-thigh. The robe is the same color grey as her gown and a couple sizes big for her, and she smelled absolutely edible.
"What are you wearing?" I ask as I appreciate her standing in front of me. My eyes openly roam over her body and her nipples perk up right before my eyes. It must have made her feel uncomfortable because she closed her robe and tightened it around her full waist before she spoke.
"What. My night clothes?" She choked out.
"No. What kind of soap did you use?" I ask, my stare still all over her body.
"Lever 2000," She stated simply.
"That's not what I smell that’s making my mouth water," I say moving toward her body to smell her neck.
"It's apricot body gel. What happened to the lights?" she asks, taking a step back.
"Power outage. The power lines are going down all over the city. I was just watching the news and they were talking about that before the room went black."
"I hope that Devine is alright," she replies, concern evident in her voice.
"She called while you were in the shower. She made it to work and said that she will call you when she can."
"Maybe I should call to see if the power went out there," she says and moves around me towards her room. She pauses when she sees the bed up.
"I think you should wait for her to call back. She sounded busy," I say close to her ear.
"Oh. Okay then," she answers, staring at her phone like she is contemplating her next move.
"Well, I will go and get comfortable on the couch unless you are afraid of the dark and want me to keep you company," I state cutting into the silence.
"I'm not afraid of the dark, Kendrick." On that note, I turn to leave the room. I don't want to come on too strong because she will become uncomfortable around me. I want her to trust me and allow me in.
"Thanks for setting the bed up," Leslie says as I'm walking out the door.
"I'm at your service. Just let me know what you need and I got it," I reply. Then I close the door. Whatever you need, I think as I make my way down the dark hall.
It sounds as though there is a freight train coming through the house. The tree branches breaking outside my window sound like firecrackers going off in spurts. I am shivering from being scared in addition to be cold due to the freezing temperature that has seized the apartment since the electricity went out.
I wonder what the hell Kendrick is doing. What if he left? I wouldn't blame him. I'm sure he would much rather be stuck with his wife than with me. I jump a little at the sound of light knocking on my new bedroom door.
"Come in," I call out. Kendrick walks in wearing his coat, hat, and pink gloves.
"Just wanted to make sure you weren't frozen solid in here," he says, then turns and pushes in a large metal object on wheels.
"What is that?" I ask, sitting up a little and wrapping myself tightly in my blankets trying unsuccessfully to ward off the cold air.
"Space heater," he says bringing it closer to the bed.
"There's no power, Kendrick," I state the obvious.
"I know that, Les. This is battery operated." He then switches it on and turns the dial all the way up.
"How many more does Devine have?" I inquire and inch closer to the small amount of heat being generated.
"None. This is all I found," he says looking at me. I feel naked compared to all the clothing that he has layered himself in.
"I guess we should share the bed then. Will you please bring me my coat and jeans?" I ask and he walks out the room without replying. He returns moments later with the items that I requested. I slide my coat over my robe, then slip into my jeans. I don't bother to button them. I have to suck everything thing in to get into my jeans and I don't want to be any more uncomfortable then I already am. After I have dressed myself in layers to match Kendrick's attire, he leaves the room once again. This time, he returns with four extra blankets. He then lies all the blankets over the top sheet and blanket that I have to cover me up. Next, he climbs into bed beside me. We just lie there silently for a while. I listen to the sound of him breathing, hoping it will help me find sleep. That always worked when I was in bed with Lincoln. I think that is the problem. This man made my body react to him. Now here we are lying in bed with one another. It's not in a sexual way, but I feel this sexually charged energy bouncing between us. I wonder why he is so quiet and I feel the need to say something.
"Do you always wear pink gloves?" I ask turning in his direction.
"I found them while looking through Devine's things for extra blankets," he says turning toward me.
"Wow. I have never heard you refer to her as Devine before."
"Well, the other things I found reminded me of what it is my cousin does when she leaves out those doors. Those were Devine's things, not my little cousin Dahlia’s," he responded sounding a little tense, so I shifted the conversation.
"I wish I had my gloves," I said inching towards his body heat. He let me lay on the side of the bed closer to the heater, but the warmth coming from his body was so inviting. He takes the gloves off his hands and places them on mine.
"Thank you," I whisper. Then he does something that sends a different type of chill down my spine. He has moved closer to me and he unzips my coat and wraps his arms around my shivering body. I follow his lead, part his already open jacket and wrap my arms around his solid frame.
I don't know what time it is when I wake up. All I see is that the sun has risen and the light streaming through the partially open blinds is casting a beautiful glow across his mocha skin. His dreads are lying across my shoulder and I inhale the scent of coconut oil off his immaculately manicured mane. I nuzzle up to the base of his throat. I must have fallen asleep listen to the sound of his heartbeat. As I ease away from his heat, it all comes back why I am lying in bed with a man that is not my own. The cold air smacks me back to reality and I wrap my arms across my chest and sprint to the bathroom to empty my bladder. The toilet seat is so cold when I sit down that it causes me to jump a little. Once I have finished, I go the sink and wash my hands without bothering to look up in the mirror. I don’t want to see guilty eyes looking back at me. Should I feel guilt? Kendrick is just my friend. Nothing even happened. I mean, I am human and he is a very attractive man. I just have to pull myself together. Otherwise, my new living arrangements could prove to be dangerous.
I woke up with Leslie no longer in my arms. It felt good lying next to her. Too good. The sun is up so we made it through the night. However, the house is still freezing so I know the power hasn’t come back on yet. I reach into my coat pocket to get my cell phone. This is the perfect time to call and tell my wife and tell her that I got stranded at Dahlia's house. I know I should have done this last night, but I was laying down the foundation for what I hope will be a hot steamy booty call. I have known Leslie for so long and have enough respect for her that she can become one of my regulars. I start to dial my home number and my phone powers down. The battery died and with no way to charge it, I slip it back into my coat pocket. Maybe that's for the best. This way she won’t be calling me every 5 minutes to see what I'm doing, who I'm with, asking when I think I can make it home. I climb out of bed to see what Leslie is up to.
I can't believe my eyes as I peer out the small square window at the top of the metal front door. The snow is piled half-way up preventing me from opening it. There is no way for any cars to navigate down the roads because they are covered in dirty snow and tree branches. I have never seen a storm cause this much destruction in all the years I have lived in Buffalo. I am in awe of the damage that it has caused in such a short period of time. There is no way that I am flying out of anywhere tonight, so I decide to call and check on Lincoln. I know that he was not fazed by this terrific storm, but I also know that he will be worried about me. I hear movement and realize that Kendrick is up. I continue to look out the window at people trying to dig their cars out from under tree branches and snow. There are a couple of kids wandering down the street with shovels, no doubt trying to make a couple extra dollars by helping their neighbors. I am just about to go open a window to offer them a little money and a cup of hot chocolate to dig a path out from the front door, when I feel his presence behind me. I don't want to turn around because my heartbeat has accelerated just smelling the scent of his locks. I hear him breathing. He moves closer and my feet won’t move. I am paralyzed. He whispers,
"Good morning." His hoarse morning voice makes me lick my lips, but I don't respond. What if he can read my mind? His hands have found their way around my waist. They are resting at the top of my jeans. He eases his hands into the opening and pushes my legs apart. He holds on to the heat between my legs and I am biting my lip to keep from moaning, to keep from telling him that this is wrong. He is kissing my ear and tells me that he has wanted this for so long. That he could barely contain himself last night so close to my warmth because the scent from my skin was so tantalizing. I feel his forefinger probing inside my slick walls as he begins to stir me. He uses his unoccupied had to push my jeans down around my ankles, then tells me to step out. I don't hesitate to comply and he kicks them to the side. He hasn't stop stirring me and I hear the rattle of a wrapper behind me. I know that he is sheathing himself to enter me. The anticipation of what's to come has me winding onto his fingers. I hear a muffled expletive fall from his lips as he rests the head of his dick against my dripping wet heat. He enters me rough and I can't stay quiet any longer. As soon as I part my lips, the moans float out like a song that I have been dying to sing. He is aggressive from the beginning. No slow and sexy foreplay. He pushes me close to the door and presses my face and breasts against the cold metal. The shock of the cold has my pebble-like nipples aching. It is the most exhilarating feeling having my breasts pressed to the cold door and the heat from Kendrick inside of me. I’m on the verge of exploding when he stops, turns me around and looks me dead in my eyes.
"Tell me I'm better,” he whispers. I just look at him without opening my mouth. I refuse to play that game with him. He repeats himself and I shake my head no. Then he lowers himself in front of me and lifts my right leg onto his left shoulder. He licks my swollen clit, flicking his tongue in a rapid motion that has my legs quivering and threatening to give out. I try to move his head away, but he won’t allow it. Instead, he shakes his face over that part of my body that is reserved for a lover's touch. I beg him to stop but he doesn't relent, so I say the one thing that gets his attention. I pant in a hoarse voice that I want to taste him. I ask him to let me lick my juices off him. He stands and takes me to the couch, and I push him into the sitting position and place a pillow on the floor to cushion my knees. I tease the tip with a kiss, then bury my face in his lap until he is calling my name.
Man, I underestimated myself. I thought getting her would take a week. I'm too good at this.
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