Saturday, March 20, 2010

A Book By Any Other Name...

The editing process isn't even complete and there is a snag!!! I recently found out there is another book by the name of "Torn"!!! ( Oh No Right... Same thing I thought) So... I'm not really sure if I can proceed with the book title as "Torn" for my Manuscript. I am so confused... (Sighs). I love that title and although both books are most likely about a love triangle. I am sure that the stories are completely different. I will be asking my editor if I can proceed with that title or do I have to come up with another name. It wont be that bad. However the whole time that I have been writing, putting together the concept and promoting this Blog, it was always "Torn" that I thought of when I thought of my 1st Manuscript.
The important part is that I see my dream fulfilled whether it's by that name or another. So I wont complain.... It could be so much worse. Everybody that knows me...knows that I stay positive.
As for the progression, the book is still in the editing phase and I am still weighing my options on publishing. I am looking for a publishing company. But if I am not able to find one and a contract that is suitable, I will self publish. I am still in the research phase. So if any of my followers have any info Please contact me and let me know.

I am truly Thankful for everyone that comes by to read my Blog, and participates in the surveys, and Just to support me and my dream.

Lots of Love, Liz...


  1. I have a book named Torn by Keisha Ervin by I have not read it. There is another one named Torn by Chris Jordan that I have on my wish list as it sounded interesting. And another book named Torn by Amber Lehman which is also on my wish list. I came across the last two while price comparing for the first one. So I say look at it as an unlike advertising/PR area. I don't feel that you need to change the name. Additionally the second book is a series of books and I plan to get them all.

    There are a number of books with the same title such as: When A Man Loves A Woman by Bette Ford, one by LaConnie Taylor-Jones and one by David Lehman....the first two are by two of my favorite authors. I found them during my search for the second one.

    Right now Donna Hill has a book out that has the same title as another in the same genre. Just wanted to share some facts with you while giving you some encouragement.

    I look forward to it's release. Best always.

  2. Rhea... Thank You so much. I was so dicourage. I have based eveything on the name "Torn". This make me feel so much better. I have been going back and forth on what to change the name to. I will most likely keep it as "Torn" and add a subtitle to make it original.

    You have been a great support and I am so glad that we became friends on FB. You will never know how much I appreciate your support. My FB family and so many others have really lifted me up.

    Stay Blessed...

  3. Hey, I had something in my head that I couldn't bring forward and I just remembered is "TORN"BY STEPHANIE R. MEWBORN just released as well. So keep you title and I love the idea of the subtitle. You are welcome, I am glad to be of help and truly glad that we are FBFriends as well. Being an emptynester and not having been a social person facebook is a great outlet. Much success to you.

  4. That is the book and author I was talking about. Stephanie... I reached out to her and she was so kind to me. I have recieved alot of support. It seems as though my on-line friends and family are way more supportive then some others I would have expected it from.

    Rhea you are a blessing... :-)
