Thursday, July 8, 2010

With Friends Like These....

I have been through a great deal of Trials in order to get my manuscript " Love TORN Asunder" edited and published. The list is a long one. Some of those very trials have been documented on this Blog. However this entry is about the LOVE that I have received and from some of the most unlikely people.

I have been FaceBooking for quite some time... Some Friends are fare weather but, that happens in life also.

And some have been a true BLESSING. The list is indeed long but I would like to high light some of my Sister on FaceBook and let them know exactly how much their support of my dreams have touched and fuel me to do better and to keep striving for success...

Rhea Alexis M. Banks- The Blessing that this woman has bestowed upon me are immeasurable. Because of her support and friendship I have found an editor that is willing to work with New talent. Someone that is taking her time to understand exactly what I need and patient enough to provide it. (( I will reveal her name in another entry)) She deserves an entry dedicated to her alone)). Rhea has kept me on my toes by ensuring that I continue to study my craft. I THANK YOU!

Authoress-Editor Kimani Nelson- Kimani- Is the True definition of lady and I am so thankful that I get to call her friend. Even if just on FB. On this site built to network... this woman who is an author and editor herself. Finds the time to give words of wisdom and helpful advice. All while climbing the ladder to fulfilling her own dreams. Who can't love someone that takes the time to look back and lend a hand?
I pray that her star continues to shine... Please support her as she does so many others by checking her Facebook page ((Perfectly Polished Words Editing)) You can also send any serious inquiries for her supreme services to (( I THANK YOU!

Astarte BellaOh Luccianno- aka(( Venus~ The Goddess))- This is ONE of the realest straight to the point woman that I have had the honor of making her acquaintance. Since she has NO tolerance for BS and she is a strict business woman, not many make it into her fold. Only the strong survive. I have learned from her as I have all the women on this list. That there is a line that you must draw when it comes to Friendship. When that line has been crossed.. the end result can be dangerous. Because of this lesson... I have made it a point to tighten up my ship. There are still a few stragglers but that is another story for another time... lol
Bella, is on her grind in the Music Business and Repping the West Coast. She is a force to be reckoned with and a face that you should look out for. To find her please type her name in the FaceBook search... then just sit back and take in some of the Cali wisdom. I THANK YOU!

Shaunita Toknowmeistoloveme Selby- :-) Her name alone brings a smile to my face. This woman is my SISTER for real. She is sunshine. I am so lucky that we met. I think that I identify with her the most. No matter what my issue she can give me real advice.That is a quality that is hard to find.. sad to say buy true. She also holds nothing back but she can say it in a way where you can receive it and process it well. I need friends like that in my life. Friends that mirror who I am in nature and have the same drive to succeed. Without allowing the past to hinder them. This is who I am and Miss Shaunita. We ALL have our personal battles but, we CAN NOT allow them to make you stagnant. I need people in my life who WANT more and are taking the steps to get it... in that aspect I need Shaunita. Because she reminds me to keep it moving and "Try New Things" lol. I THANK YOU!

Adiamond Isforever- She is sooo much more to me then just a FaceBook friend or Sister. I Believe that she and I have a connection that doesn't even have a word to describe it. I love her. When I need to talk things through she is on my short list of people who will listen and understand. WITHOUT judgment. Her name says it all a REAL DIAMOND. She has a spirit the will wrap you up and make you feel safe. When things are hectic she will offer solutions and talk you off the ledge. Her support of me and my dreams are abundant. I feel overjoyed knowing she is in my corner. I THANK YOU!

It amazes me how these women have made such an impact on my life and I have only met one face to face... I shouldn't be shocked though. Because GOD will place the tools, knowledge and people in your life that you need to receive your BLESSINGS and that is exactly what all of them have been to me... A Blessing:-)

Thanks... Lots of Love Liz.

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