Tuesday, August 24, 2010

What Role Does Spirituality Play In Your Relationships...

What Role Does Spirituality Play In Your Relationships...

THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO LEAVE A COMMNET ON THE SURVEY QUESTION.....You can answer and just read the blog....OR you can explain your answer and reasons. WHAT HAPPENS ON Trials, Tribulations, and Torn. STAY's HERE!!! PROMISE!!!

Lots of Love Liz... :-)


  1. For me, a stable spiritual life is the only reason I have even been able to open up to the possibility of looking at a relationship. I had to get right with GOD to the point where I would listen to HIM before I even looked at a man. Now that I am able to rely on GOD I am okay with whatever may come my way, be it for a season or a lifetime.

  2. Spirituality is woven into the fabric that makes up me. It plays an important part in any relationship that I am involved in as I believe what you put out, you get back. No, not in the same way nor a specific time frame but what that other person puts out will come back thus effect me just as my actions would effect him. We have to be careful what spirits that we invite to dwell.
