What Have You Done to Market/Promote Yourself & Your Product! The skinny on Social Media in my Eyes!
Although I am new to the Literary Industry, I am learning quick. That once you have your book in publication the real work begins!
You can have a Book that is Beautifully written, a catchy cover, edited to perfection, available in hard cover, paperback, and e-book, and a synopsis that pulls the reader in... but if the reader doesn't know you exist, then what?
This where whether you are Published with a company or self published you have to put on your Business hat. Most people enter into the literary industry without a plan. They believe that they write a Fantastic story with all the right elements, Go to a Major Publishing house they fall in love with your words then you are on your way.... WRONG!
Even if you are one of the fortunate few that gets signed and locked with a Major Publishing house right out the gate. You are still an unknown Author and MUST gain a buzz about who you are and what you bring to the Table.
I don't have the Gold Key that will unlock all the answers of Creating a Boom of sales around you and your product. What It can offer is some advise and pointers that have assisted me along the way.
I currently have a FaceBook Fan Page https://www.facebook.com/LiteraryLiz . Not that I have such a big head, that I believe I should have fans. I use this page for constant access to what I have going on in ways of Interviews, Sales, Website Updates, Features, Book Club Promos, Etc... This is where a potential customer or reader can go and see a History of thing I have done and participated in. It's a one stop advertisement shop. I have a regular FaceBook Page as well. I will also make updates there regarding my work. However, not as often. I use that as a platform to Post things that pertain to be a person on the go in the daily scheme of things. A Fan Page (IMO) is a place where you have the liberty to show of your talent. Almost ALL companies/businesses have a FaceBook FanPage. Why shouldn't you as an Author?
On my page I even have Web Link Feature. If you go the left hand side of the page and click on the "My Site" tab. It brings up what I like to call a mini website. There I have provide all links to where my Novel "Love TORN Asunder" can be purchase.
Social media is a huge asset in this economy. You not only have FaceBook. There is also Twitter. Don't under estimate the power of a Tweet or Re-Tweet. That avenue opened me up to two people that inquired about Interviewing me. Use your twitter etiquette. Follow those that follow you. Interact. Don't just go there to solely sell your product. Because at the end of the day. You are NOT only selling your product. You are selling yourself, your Brand. If you plan for longevity,and you plan to have more books that come after your Debut. You want the readers to connect with the person so they become a Fan of the writer. Remember, you FIRST have to get them to pay attention and notice before they spend.
Don't box yourself into JUST FaceBook and Twitter. Research other social media outlets that might suit you and your Business. If you don't fit. Get creative and make it so...
Are you on LinkedIn, BFHS, Tunblr, and the list goes on. For my fellow authors are you on Shelfari, GoodReads. Let the Internet work for YOU!
There are so many sites with potential customers. Some don't even realize there need for your product ( In my case Novel) until you put in a place where they have the opportunity to fully appreciate it.
Please also Visit My Website "Literary Liz Writes" www.LiteraryLiz.com. Dont forget to sing the Gust Book on the last page. I would Love to know you cam by :-)
Lots of Love Liz...
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