Writing for a purpose....
When I began my Literary Journey, I had no idea where it would lead me. All I knew when I started blogging was that I had a dream for many years to write novels. At first that dream was to write books regarding a children’s series. As time passed, my ambitions to write still remained but the content became different.
I now consider myself a relationship novelist. Can I claim that title with only one book in publication? lol Well, I am claiming it now! My next novel will be published Oct/Nov 2011.
My heart and Pen lead me in this direction due to personal trials that I have gone through, that I have witnessed, that I have heard of.
Relationships consist of the relations between not only lovers, but also friends, family, associates, and the people who surround you in your everyday life. I wanted to write on the dynamics of those relationships. How everyone is effected and the path your choices can lead you and those around you.
I want to display these relationships with giving each person/character their own voice. Allowing them to come to the forefront and giving the details of why they make certain choices, and the background on what makes that person/character essentially who they are.
I believe that your environment will affect the moves you make in life. May it be for the negative or positive? Only when you get an understanding of you and your place in this world can you work on making a change and progressing. I want my novels to explore those dimensions inside these relationships.
My Debut Novel "Love TORN Asunder" explores several relationships. Of a committed couple, That of secret Lovers, A couple that is on the brink of destruction, Friendships that have come to a cross roads, Between co-workers, and Family communications or lack thereof.
These relationships are the foundations that center your life. How do you navigate them all and do so gracefully, when you are still growing as a person yourself. This goes back to my statement in "knowing who you are and your place in the world".
"Love TORN Asunder" is a tale that will take you on Leslie’s Journey. Life is Beautiful and Messy all at the same time. Read, “Love TORN Asunder”, and watch as these charters interact and grow, between the sheets of this novel.
To read the Synopsis, Reviews, and make a purchase please visit "Literary Liz Writes" http://LiteraryLiz.com.
This novel is also available on Amazon, On-line through all major book retailers, At store locations by request, kindle, nook & all e-readers.
Although this book is written to entertain, there is a lot to be learned. I want those that read my novel to enjoy the tale as well as pique questions inside of them on their beliefs. Is life black and white? Moreover, how to does one navigate within the gray areas? This book will absolutely spark a discussion. Read it with a Friend, Your mate, or a Book Club so that you can really dissect the messages. Talk about what you would have done, and how you would have done things differently. Can you relate to any of the characters? Who and Why?
An entraining book is just that, Entertainment but all books can teach a lesson. I am praying that "Love TORN Asunder" teaches many.
In my development as a writer, I have grown. That growth lead me to want to further explore my writing and the purpose behind it. I love what I am doing. Writing has been a long time dream and aspiration. Throughout time that dream has grown and taken on many branches. One of them for me being my desire to not only write to entertain but to write with a purpose.
Building on that, I founded a non-profit project "Saving Lives Through Lit"(SLTL). Saving Lives Through Lit started with being an Anthology the centered around Domestic Violence Abuse. The Debut novel for this project is "Voices Behind The Tears" and will be release Oct/Nov of 2011, with the profits going to "Our Hearts Foundation". Our Hearts is dedicated to Domestic Violence Awareness and Outreach. Our mission is to shed light on the many taboo, silenced subjects that are tearing our communities down, we hope that our efforts will be a starting point to re-building what has been broken. What so many speak about in hushed tones, SLTL want to shout it out and make it a priority to find solutions and provide aid.
The Saving Lives One Book At a Time series, will publish Anthologies between 1- 3 times a year that will explore different topics. Authors, Poets, and Spoken Word artist that have been in these same situations that we write about, have been witness to it, or just feel compelled to lend their skills and talent to spreading awareness will write the stories you find inside these novels.
With each book in the series we plan to cover many topics, we also will be seeking different organizations to partner with that provides outreach and programs. The profits will go to donations to these organizations and future SLTL projects. This is only the beginning of Saving Lives Through Literature. There are so many plans in the works for different campaigns that we will be running on our Web Site http://SavingLivesThroughLit.Org . This project would not have been as successful as it is without the help of all the Authors and Poets that contributed the overwhelming response by those in the literary community that donated services in order to get this project off the ground, the behind the scenes staff and especially the co-founder Kiexiza Rodriguez.
Saving Lives Through Lit will be branching off into Chapters. These chapters will be able to highlight Outreach programs and organizations in their city/state on a web page that is directly linked to the main SLTL Web site. These programs, SLTL will promote and provide fund raising opportunities.
If you are interested in collaborating with SLTL we are currently seeking Corporate sponsors, Authors/poets for upcoming Anthologies, Web Site host, Chapter leaders, and many other positions. In order to inquire please send an email to the official SLTL email: savinglivesthroughlit@ymail.com.
This is a passion of mine and I want my life to be about what I gave back. I want my writing/work to reflect my purpose.
Lots of Love LiteraryLiz…. Author/Writer/Blogger ~ Elizabeth Funderbirk
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